Importance of Blood Donation In Islam

Why is Blood Important?

Blood is the most vital component of human life. It is an unnatural bodily fluid that transports vital nutrients and oxygen to the cells. You must be in good general health to give blood or platelets. Blood is a transport liquid that is pumped to all areas of the body by the heart then returned to the heart to continue the process.

Blood also helps the body fight diseases and transports hormones. Carbon dioxide and other waste products are carried by the blood to the lungs, kidneys, and digestive system, where they are expelled from the body. 

Benefits of Donating Blood:
Blood donation can lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes by lowering iron levels in blood cells. Blood donation on a regular basis has been related to reduced blood pressure and a lower risk of heart attacks. Apart from this, blood donation also helps in getting rid of the following life-threatening diseases:

·        Health Problems

·        Risk of Heart Attack

·        Risk of Developing Cancer

·        Maintains Blood Pressure

·        Stable Heart Rate

·        And others

What does Islam say about Donating Blood?
The majority of individuals give their blood as an act of charity in Islam, which equates to saving someone's life. If a person is on the verge of death and the only thing that might save him is blood donation, we must think it is a kind deed. Helping a Muslim brother will make Allah happy, which is all that matters.

There may or may not be a passage in the Quran on blood donation, but we must believe that saving another Muslim brother's life would elevate our standing in Allah's and His Prophet's sight. This is what our prophet has instilled in us throughout his life. " Muslims are brothers who never do wrong to one another, never fail to support one another, and never abandon their brethren in times of adversity.

Benefits of Donating Blood In Islam:

Professional studies claim that blood donation has several health advantages, but Islam claims that the benefits are considerably higher.

Strengthens Iman: 
Donating blood to someone else may reduce your chance of developing health issues but it will also leave a positive impression on your personality. Plus, the purpose of saving someone’s life will strengthen your Iman.

Spreading Kindness:
These days, it's difficult to come across someone who is kind. Donating blood will make a positive impression on others. This act of charity will inspire them to perform similar acts of kindness.

No Side Effects:
Scientists, without a doubt, think that donating blood has no negative consequences. And why should there be any if aiding someone makes Allah happy.

Good Deeds with Rewards:
Poor individuals may assume that only wealthy people can perform good actions and show act of charity in Islam. However, you may do a lot better than them by donating your blood for free and saving someone's life.

We have always been taught in Islam to be courteous and helpful to others. So why wait for the ideal time? Get up and go to the blood donation camp to help save someone's life.

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