Your cash donation can enable sustainable access to hemophilia treatment.


Hemophilia is an inherited hemorrhagic blooddisorder. The defect lies in the clotting mechanism of the blood and is characterized by a lifelong tendency to excessive internal or external hemorrhage.

A person might develop hemophilia later in their lives. This unique disorder is mostly found in middle aged people, or in the later stages of pregnancy. Although, this disease is harmful but can be resolved with proper treatment.

Hemophilia patients out there need your help. Your cash donation can enable sustainable access to hemophilia treatment. Plus, making donation makes you feel good in many ways:

·       It strengthens your personal values.

·       Your child understands the importance of generosity

·       Encourages people around you.

Fatimid Foundation, a non-profit organization is the pioneer of voluntary blood transfusion services in Pakistan. Even in terms of quantitative output of blood and blood products, Fatimid Foundation is the leader of the fraternity of blood transfusion services in Pakistan.


A patient who suffers with Hemophilia goes through internal or external bleeding. Plus, they experience nose bleeding, bleeding in knees, ankles, elbows and in urine.

It is necessary to treat the patients of Hemophilia. If it remains untreated, the result would be fatal and will cause severe anemia.

Hemophilia A and Hemophilia B, both are treated by replacing the missing clotting factor. These are also treated with synthetic factor VIII.

Donate, Save a Life:
Fatimid Foundation welcomes you to donate for a better cause. Your donation today will help people with hemophilia and other bleeding disorder. This donation will help hundreds of people who are living in different parts of Pakistan who are going through the harmful effects of these diseases. The worst part is that some people do not know that what could be the severity of this disease could be. But, with your donation they can live a better and healthy life.

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